
Music & Stress Management

There is no question that music is a universal language that can evoke emotions and memories that span a lifetime. But music can also be a healing mechanism, and can affect every aspect of our development- social, emotional, physical, cognitive and spiritual.

Music can improve mood, decrease stress levels and foster communication- it is truly a healing form of art, and one that should be a part of every treatment plan. Study after study shows the benefit of music in reducing pain, improving outcomes in patients with varying health issues and in promoting social engagement. In the following articles and links, you will see actual footage of music impacting the life of a man with Parkinson’s disease, learn about the neurological benefits of adding music to your life, and discover the many ways you can reduce stress by adding music as a regular part of your life.  The power point provided earlier from our Facilitator Retreat gives you some of the science behind the benefits of music, but just watch someone come alive to music they love and that will be all the proof you need!

“The main thing is that we hear and enjoy life’s music everywhere.” Theodor Fontane

Video: Man with Parkinson’s reacting to music
5 Reasons Music Therapy Works for Neurological and Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Brains Response to Music: